Monday, February 13, 2012


Remember that song by Run DMC?!!! "You talk too much and you never shut up!!!" Oh, I don't want to be known as that person!!! But I can Talk TOO MUCH sometimes.

I STRUGGLE with talking too much. Especially, if it's with a good friend, mmhmm, girrrrrrl! Unfortunately, talking too much is not one of the Gifts of the Spirit or else I'd be ever-so Holy! But 'talking too much' will most always lead to sin. Can you believe that!?! The Bible even speaks of this in Proverbs 10:19, "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent." Did you read that?  "Transgression or sin is NOT lacking"!!! Oh, help me NOW!!! I have always considered myself "wise", even as a child. Mostly because my middle name is 'Sophia', and we all know 'Sophia' in Greek means "wisdom"! (Come on now!) So there you have it, I am wise! Whoa Whoa! Hold up but this verse also says, "..whoever restrains his lips is prudent (or wise)". Hmmmm.... that sort of changes things a bit!  Don't get me wrong, I do believe that I am a wise person, ONLY by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior. However, I do know that I can and  do lack wisdom in areas where sin comes easy to me.

It is my ambition to live a Holy life and to RE-present Christ to the  world, including my close friends. Oh Lord, It is my prayer to be ON-GUARD, to be ready to speak edifying, truthful and faithful words! I don't want to waste any words in conversations that don't bring glory to Your Name, even if it's with my sisters in the Lord (whathewhat!). I don't want to talk too much. It's not sexy pretty. Nor is it what Your require of me. Help me practice self-restraint in all areas. I do not want to malign the Word of God! (Titus 2:5)

Is this an issue for you as well? Do you have a good friend who can and will hold you accountable in your conversations with him/her? How has the Lord redeemed you in this area?

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