Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Amber!

Today, we continue to praise the Lord for Our Oldest Amber May!!! Wow, How time flies! Happy 8th Birthday!

Amber's verse:
"I will not die but live,
and will proclaim what the Lord has done." Psalm 118:17

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tomatoes, A Bible and 3 Arrows

So this morning the kids and I talked about John 15 in detail. Down to the vine tomato illustration. So, there were many questions of course, esp. regarding the vine being cut off and thrown into the fire. BROOKLYN, whose mind is ALWAYS working asked 'How did that get in the Bible' so I reminded her of her memorizing the New Testament "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John" and told her these were actual people who walked with the Lord Jesus and knew Him and that later the Holy Spirit had them write down all that happened with Jesus and what He said. Then she asks, "Did Izzy's dad know Jesus already?" [His Name is Mark]
The Vine, The Word and the Branch

March 29, 2011

Leaning On the Lord

Man! Are you in that place where you are like "LORD, what are you doing?" Not in a negative light, but just the place where you know He is moving and working because the enemy is pulling out all of his tricks. Well, I think that is where I am today. I just thank the LORD that I know Him. I only know Him because He found me (john 15:16). (Praise His Holy Name). I thank Him because if I did not know Him, I would have fell for one of the devil's traps and been caught up in something I could not get out of. My enemy is so stupid though. Because he has no new tricks. He just recycles the packages. But, glory be to my God for His wisdom and unfailling love that He has lavished on me (and my family). I know the LORD is doing a NEW thing in my heart and my life. I love HIM! I am trusting Him. If I can trust Him to be my Savior ( for my Salvation), surely I can trust Him through this moment in my life. To God be the Glory.

Written October 2008