Thursday, December 26, 2013

Familia de Mayo Carta de Navidad


Delighting in the Lord above ALL ELSE. That was our focus given to us as a family last year end. Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." And what a theme! I thought it was going to be fun, and somewhat easy on a shallow level, but doable. Man! I tell you, that Heavenly Father of ours is ALL Knowing & ALL Powerful, but He indeed has a way and it is perfect! Now, when I say "perfect". I do NOT by ANY MEANS imply that it was fun, by any means easy, and at all possible to complete. BY ANY MEANS!!! In FACT! It was the total opposite! IT WAS NOT FUN! IT WAS NOT AT ALL EASY (shallow or deep), IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE (on my own)! But, I tell you whaaattt (in my Brenda DeWalt voice)----[That's Brenda]

It was GOOD and it was GOOD for me. IT WAS GOOD FOR US!

2013 Highlights

Joseph and I began our third month in the beautiful state of Colorado!
Joseph left his position as Associate Pastor at a church.

Tamika flew to California to share in her FIRST EVER  ladies' retreat, with some awesome ladies in which I have known for for years, but for the first time, met in the flesh! It was AWESOME!

Tamika turned 37, hey now!!!

The Body of Christ surrounded us like I have never experienced before. We were the blessed ones, for sure. Thank YOU ALL. You KNOW who you are!

Joseph began looking for job and we began hosting Bible Study(Matthew) in our home, weekly.

February, March, April

Continued surrounded by Body of Christ...
covered in prayer, daily

Joe found part-time work at Target working four hours, two-three times a week!
Continue Bible Study in was good time in the Word with great people.. Also had lots of Coffee dates with the ladies (Tamika, of course) and Ladies' study Beth Moore's James Study

Visited St. Louis for a week at the beginning of April.
Began attending new Church, The Landing Place regularly (our safe haven for sure)
Sidenote: We did attend Denver Friends for about a month or so, but was a far drive! They loved us well there, too!

Joseph began his new job at LEVEL 3! It's Always All God's doing when He blesses us.

Granny & Papa visits!

Bible study concluded for summer


These months here, were some of the toughest months! EVER! Especially the summer. It nearly took us out or so it seemed! Dry and deserted. Lonely. Depression. Confused and Unwanted. Just a few words to describe them. Pressing hard to DELIGHT in the Lord! To be honest, it became easier ONCE we knew HE is truly ALL we had! He became "sweet" to us. A DELIGHT! When we mentioned His Name. (Please don't take this lighter than it sounds, it was a pressing in. Gagging on carpet fibers kinda thang!) ALL though we were far away from our closest brothers and sisters in Christ, we felt loved MOST! God was ever nearer!


Visited Rebekah in the Springs, sweet

Had sweet times with the Bokelman's dinners, tea dates, and watching funny youtube videos. Melinda you are precious to me. Who would have thunk us together!
Curran turned the BIG 6 (His golden Birthday)

 Our friends Holly and Andy dropped in! it Adventurous!  Golden is beautiful.

Shawn and Jules moved away to IOWA! (Happy for them, but sad for us)  [Met weekly and watched Psych]


Met the PERFECT FRIEND FAMILY EVER!!!! (Eden, Holly, Sarai, Zion)

A Sweet visit from our dear friend JEFF McKinney

We drove to Arnold's Park, IA to candidate for a Pastor's position. Fell in love with Marvis, Allen and the entire congregation!


My mom turned 60!

Amber turned the BIG 9 (Her golden Birthday)

Joseph & Tamika Celebrated the BIG TEN! Heck yeah!!!

WE GOT A CALL TO PASTOR IN IOWA! Everything began to make sense!


Grateful for Gia And Jerry for loving Duke like their own! We love yall!

Moved to Arnold's Park, IA.. I didn't say see you later to my Melinda! ;( Joe to his Nathanael! Joe and Nathanael met weekly for months discussing Scripture and making each other cry!

Granny, Papa and Willie(3) and Melanee and the boys(SURPRISE) drove up for Joseph's Co-Mission as Pastor of Light of the Lakes Church!

Brooklyn turned the BIG 8!!!


Joseph turned 33!

Had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends here! IT's cold here. They Want to take us ice fishing #Rescueus!

FARKLE is our new game! It can be dangerous!

It is just THAT simple!
It would appear that God Perhaps. WE do KNOW this. We have learned that delighting in our good and great God does not come easy! We LEARNED HOW TO DELIGHT IN HIM ABOVE ALL ELSE! It ain't easy. But! It can be done with the help of our Helper He left with us! Who leads us into ALL Truth found in Christ Jesus! In Jesus Christ we find love and much needed grace. Hope! Our Hope against Hope!

I so wish I could mention EVERYBODY who prayed us through, paid our bills, kept us fed, just plain ole loved us! We praise God for everyone who has been in our lives theses past months, years, and forever... Divas (you know who you are!) God knows. He has seen your selflessness.

God has been Good To US!

Delighting in HIM Above All Else!