Friday, September 20, 2013

Global Mindset, Common Core Standards & Discipleship

Okay, so how does DISCIPLESHIP, GLOBAL MISSIONS, & COMMON CORE even begin to relate?  

What is Common Core? 

Government controlled, state(really federal) education for every child in the country. It is an implementation of standards of education beginning from K5(Really, shortly after birth if allowed. Remember the proposal for PreK). - your Career

Yes I said, career. "An integral part of Common Core Standards is the development of a national database of student-specific data.  Included in the database would be detailed information about learning disabilities and academic records collected soon after birth until college graduation." [, "Are Home-Schooled students safe?"]

There is no opt- out button for CC. It's no wonder there are so many Public school  are now supportive of Home School groups, etc. 

I know, some may get tired of me mentioning this COMMON CORE stuff but it needs to be in your ear and mind so that you may fully understand what the implications are for you and your children, especially if you: HOME SCHOOL, PRIVATE SCHOOL,  and are a BELIEVER!!! (If your child is being taught 4x3=11, and that this is the correct answer as long as you can 'explain it a way' how will this effect how they read and understand Scripture, etc?)

CC standards has influenced a change curriculum for reading, math and science, thus far. For example, "close reading". The student is to ONLY read emancipation proclamation, for example, without reading what led up to it being written and what happened after it was written. It's sort of like putting a book so close to your face when reading that you only see the few words in front of you. IMAGINE, if this is the case when reading the Word. Anyway, I digress. This is not my WHOLE POINT in sharing this, so let me get to it.

I do have a link, here, (If you are looking for George, he's in the here,CLICK on it)for a THOROUGH insight to COMMON CORE and all that is involved. It. will. blow. your. mind. 

Why do I share this? 

Well, I share NOT to impart FEAR, although I KNOW some may go straight there..but for awareness and that you would remain ON YOUR KNEES and to promote SHARING JESUS!!!!! Because really ONLY JESUS can change a mind, heart and destiny of someone's soul.

ONE facet I like about the Common Core, Global initiative is that, all though with NO good intentions, it wants the world to think not in nationalistic terms but in globally. THAT is AWESOME! Only if it TRULY was for the COMMON GOOD of the people.

Honestly, we do NEED MORE believers, disciples who are WILLING  to enlarge the KINGDOM OF GOD. We need more followers of Christ that are not just city-minded, America- minded, and personal-destiny minded- but possess a Global projector for reaching the World for Christ, beginning in your own JUDEA. 

I mean, really WHAT IF WE LOOKED THROUGH THE LENS OF THE BIBLE rather our own self imposed view of the Christendom!
Let's get out, plant seeds and send more workers out to do the same. Who, in your 1000 ft. range can you reach? The Lord is working in the unbeliever, next to you! BECAUSE he or she has placed them in your path... SET the STANDARD, in your neighborhood, city and beyond with the ONLY true CORE: JESUS CHRIST

Disclaimer: To become TOO consumed with issues as such as this could point to immaturity as a believer. So, I am NOT consumed nor do i want you to be. ONLY SHARE JESUS!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The NOW!!!

Isn't it funny how the Word of God reveals your heart?

It CAN and it just DOES.

Reminds me of 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." Profitable meaning it is to my benefit, it can be used. (Glory to God) Sometimes it reveals and confirms those things in which we are doing for the Lord. The atta-girl! And. Often times, there is the revealing of the Yucky Stuff. EEEWWW!!! Yep! Been there, will continue to go there as long as I am on this earth. Hopefully, less and less though. We are suppose to progress. But, this  last Sunday, I had a little bit of both. I had an overwhelming confirmation as well as a you need not to worry about the the stuff you are worrying about. (reproof) My heart just burned. I wanna believe it was similar to what the disciples(who didn't realize it was Jesus at them moment) described when Jesus walked with them on the road to Emmaus(after His resurrection) and explained to them all that happened since Moses and the Prophets and "interpreted Scripture concerning Himself" to them. Then, once they were sitting at the table, He broke the bread and gave it to them and their eyes were opened! (I love that!) and Jesus vanishes. And as it is written in Luke 24:32 "They(the apostles) said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” THAT'S THE WAY I FELT Sunday, sitting in church with the U-G-L-Y (YOU AIN'T GOT NO ALIBI) CRY! I can't explain it any better this example here in Luke. And if you have experienced similar, you know what I am talking about. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you won't forget it.

In light of the past 11 months or so. My heart and my mind has been through significant H & Ls...oh, highs and lows, sorry ;). Some due to my own stubbornness and disobedient ways and other times having to do with others and their issues. This (plural) has caused me (and my husband) to fall harder on my Savior and tuck myself even tighter under the WORD of GOD. But, yet still I have had this roaming question in my mind... and I (we) grappled with it, and grappled with it, took a break and then grappled some just never leaves my mind. Even as my husband and I continue praying through some decisions right now, the question keeps coming to mind. When we put it to the side, it slips back in our conversation. (For good reasons, I am sure... God doesn't waste anything)--  So as I was sitting at church,  sandwiched between a sweet friend named, Brenda and my dear husband, Joseph, the pastor pulls out this Scripture. (Ok, it was listed in bulletin, so I looked it up and read it and I was like OHHHH!!! BOI!!! like all gangsta n' stuff- in my head though) But, as this Pastor was coming to a close in his message and in the context with Scripture references he read it and he painted a picture that mirrored our current situation and I could not use my eyelids as a dam any longer..tears just burst out...I couldn't wipe them fast enough you hear?! Now, my husband is rubbing my back (eewww, stop :) and Brenda, hits me on my leg and laughs a "Ha!" And I'm like for real, stop it! [That who 3 seconds reminded me of the older women wearing the nurses hat (never understood that) in church with the fans trying to fan the tears away]....I am thinking to myself Lord, what are you doing?  For REALS! What are you showing me? What are you telling? and...I'm praising Him at the same time, saying "I don't know what you are doing."

Nevertheless, I was NOT really bothered by my friend nor my darling husband. Not one bit. The Holy Spirit was revealing His Word to me and His plan to me in that instance. I promise, I am changed forever by this moment.  You see, for some months upon months, now, I have been trying to figure out the
'why' to a lot of things
                          and the "what do I do with this?'
                                                                    and the "what do I do with this now?".
It has been stressFULL! I am convince in more than one way, we REALLY don't NEED to KNOW the WHY.
                          We don't.
                                        We just need to trust Him.
And in this moment the Lord answered my question by giving me some reproof.. letting me know He does not approve of me worrying and fretting and doubting. He affirmed that I need to do what I know is my responsibility as a follower of Christ: make disciples of those who are willing to stay and hear the message I have about my Savior.
Whether, I am struggling financially, I must SHARE JESUS, whether I am overflowing with funds, SHARE JESUS! Whether I feel I am alone and friendless (not true by the way), SHARE JESUS! Whether I am hurting, SHARE JESUS! Whether on a road less traveled or one congested with traffickers, SHARE JESUS! Whether I feel all things are well with me or not, SHARE JESUS!...
Our situations or circumstances,
                                     DO NOT CHANGE our KINGDOM RESPONSIBILITIES. They do not!
Sort of brings Paul to mind when he wrote to the body of believers in Philippi, "I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am." Philippians 4:12 MSG

I was also encouraged and a heard a 'you're did well' and 'this is where it's at, in Me, and you didn't leave Me' (even though I know I wasn't/am not perfect). But, that's what I felt and heard my sweet, heavenly Father showering me with, ALL in those few minutes.
                                                                                                    CHECK IT OUT....
I know the Lord has great plans for my family and I, in His Kingdom, a midst His Will. But, my question was finally answered, in how to deal with the NOW!!! Check it out. It's so simple:

"Seek the welfare of the city to which I have caused you to go in exile, and pray to Adonai on its behalf; for your welfare is bound up in its welfare.’"
                                                                                                                  ~~~Jeremiah 29:7 CJB

Quite a bit of us are in places or situations we DON'T WANNA BE IN! So, what are you (and I) gonna do about it while we have TODAY? 
                                                  ....... I do pray as you labor to bring souls in the Kingdom and to make HIS Name Famous in your cities, that you find encouragement and maybe even some needed correction in this verse. WE know what our future holds. But, how do we handle the now? As the ESV says it,"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."

He is good to us. (<---- Click on that sentence).Always.         

Friday, September 13, 2013

how do i receive a breakthrough? By becoming obedient to the Word of making my flesh obedient.