..........................................................................................OH DEAR!!!
For example, when we are traveling on the road..Road trip and it's my turn to drive I am ok. Cuz. I got this! Right? Right! However, when it's time for a switch, I'm like okaaaaayyyy.... I am gggrreeaattt while my husband is driving as long as I AM AWAKE! NOW! And it's day time. When I began to fall asleep, I will JUMP up real quick and yell, What was was that?!!! I do this several times. I mean, several times! I am not rest that I can feel every wide turn, every bump, the gas petal lift, the subtle change in speed. My husband just shakes his head at me. It's been ten years and i think he just ignores me as he laughs at me. He is really being kind and forgiving. Because what he is ignoring is my lack of trust.... I mean, I sometimes wonder if he thinks it's as much as a trust issue as I do. But, I am too chicken to ask! Ha! It's not like I am NOT tired! I am, and yet I still cannot REST! For Real?!!! I trust myself more, but I am just as fallible and weak. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is we act the same way with our Savior! Not in the big stuff per say, but in the 'everyday my stuff' stuff! "As long as you do things the way I do it, Lord. We are okay." But the truth is, if I trust that Christ died for me.... and.... that when I confessed my sins and repented, He forgave me, AND!!! If I believe when I leave this planet I will spend eternity with Him, shouldn't I trust Him enough to REST in Him until that time comes?
We have s Savior who desires that we are not anxious! We have such a King who does not make His servants anxious! (Matthew 6:34) Rather, He bids us to come to Him and be at rest! (Matthew 11:28-29). First He invites us to stop toiling [and heavy laden] in our sins. As the folks in Matthew were attempting to work to pay off their salvation. Our Lord, invites them to "Come" and be a rest. Find rest in Him! Christ is not only a rest for those who have not come to Him. But, He is the promised rest for who believe (Hebrews 4:1-11) Thank You Lord!!!!
What love the King gives to the laborers through the Promise of Rest! As disciples of Christ, we know that life on this planet can become so mundane. Even seemly burdensome. Why? Because we forget to REST. We forget to Trust. Trust that God is still in control and He holds everything.(Colossians 1:17)
“Are you weary? Are you languid?
Are you sorely distressed?
‘Come to Me,’ says One, ‘and coming,
Be at rest.’”(1)
Trust Him today, by resting in Him forevermore!
Art thou weary art thou languid, art thou sore distressed?
"Come to me," saith One "and, coming, be at rest."
Hath he marks to lead me to Him, if he be my Guide?
"In his feet and hands are wound prints, and his side."
Is there diadem, as Monarch, that his brow adorns?
"Yea, a crown, in very surety, but of thorns."
If I find him, if I follow, what his guerdon here?
"Many a sorrow, many a labor, many a tear."
If I still hold closely to him, what hath he at last?
"Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, Jordan passed."
If I ask him to receive me, will he say me nay?
"Not till earth and not till heaven pass away."
Finding, following, keeping, struggling, is he sure to bless?
"Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, answer, 'Yes.'"
(1) Stanza # 1 & (2) Hymn by John Mason Neale